The Nangami Group was formed by parishioners of Our Lady of the Way in North Sydney, who have come together to discuss ways to effect change in peace and justice issues.

The Gadigal word “Nangami” was chosen as it means “dream which we all share”. It reflects the dream of a more peaceful and just world for all.

The purpose of the group is to “inform-reflect-act” on issues of peace and justice so as to bring up issues where the parish has the will and capacity to effect change.

The group hopes to raise awareness about issues of peace and justice, particularly people seeking asylum and First Nations people, and care for our common home. We draw our inspiration from the words in Laudato si’ (paragraph 92) “Peace, justice and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes”.

Our Parish Mission Statement says “ we are communities, reaching out and welcoming others. Graced by the Sacraments we share a lifelong journey.”

We hope to be able to answer the question: “What can we do as a parish community?”.